Waterfall in Ciudadela Park, Barcelona

Ciudadela Park


Barcelona’s city park par excellence was initially designed around 1870 by Josep Fontseré. The idea was to make public gardens out of the land and facilities that had, since 1715, made up the large fortress that Philip V ordered to be built at the end of the Spanish War of Succession. Its close to 60 hectares were destined to house the first Universal Exhibition at the end of the 19th century and the initial project for the park varied considerably, subsequently suffering major alterations such as the creation of the zoo that would take up almost 50% of its surface area. It conserves unique monuments, while its romantic, landscaped paths and trails allow visitors to admire a huge variety of trees.

Ciudadela Park

Paseo Picasso, 21

08003  Barcelona  (Catalonia)

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