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Spanish and Nature in Úbeda and Sierras de Jaén.

Learn Spanish in Úbeda - World Heritage by Unesco and enjoy doing activities in the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas: hiking, climbing, abseiling, canoeing, rafting, canyoning, multi-adventure, rafting, mountain biking while taking a Spanish Language Course.Learn Spanish from Monday to Friday (25 hours) and devote the weekends to carry out outdoor activities. All training is carried out by professionals in each field and with extensive experience.The town of Úbeda is located in the heart of the province of Jaén, and is the capital of the region called La Loma. Surrounded by a landscape of extraordinary natural beauty, in which flat land for growing cereals alternates with gentle slopes populated with olive groves, it seems to sum up the essence of the province of Jaén.Outstanding, within its varied economy, craftsmanship, with numerous pottery and ceramic workshops, forging, carving, stained glass windows, tapestries, esparto grass, stonework, etc. When strolling through its stately streets to admire the monuments, churches, palaces and stately homes, we inadvertently move virtually to the times of historical splendor of this city. Úbeda is known as "the city of the Andalusian Renaissance", both for the quantity and the quality of the monuments of this artistic period.Jaén, the province in which it is located, has the highest concentration of fortifications in Europe and the largest Protected Natural Area in Spain and second in Europe. Ubeda is conveniently located an hour and a half by car from Granada or Córdoba, and two and a half hours from Málaga, Seville or Almería.

Prix À partir de: 600.0€ par personne (taxes comprises)
Activités disponibles dans les langues suivantes Spanish, English, French
Lieu Cazorla (Jaén) Hornos (Jaén) Segura de la Sierra (Jaén) Úbeda (Jaén)
Durée 7 jours
Catégorie de l'activité Culture espagnole et traditions, Apprendre l’espagnol
Pour qui ? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Entreprise organisatrice Euroidiomas Spanish in Úbeda
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