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Spanish immersion summer camp for foreings teens in Madrid

Since 2014 we organize a Spanish immersion summer camp in Guadarrama National Park, Madrid (Spain). It is for foreign children from 12 to 17 years old. Spanish class in the morning (4 hours) and afternoon activities (horse riding, kayaking, acuatic park, hiking, ropes and ziplines park, cookworkshop, gimkanas around Madrid and Retiro Park).Our STAR ACTIVITY: sleepover under stars in the Mountains of Madrid.They live with host families.

Prezzo A partire da: 2000.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English
Luogo Boalo, El (Madrid)
Durata 14 giorni
Categoria dell'attività Cultura spagnola e tradizioni, Imparare lo spagnolo
Per chi? Young people
Impresa organizzatrice SPANISH IN NATURE
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