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2 nights accomodation with Asturias gastronomy

Bed&Breakfast + Typical dinner + visit cider press + organization of tours to the beaches , mountains and places of interest in the areaMenu: Dinner with products of their own organic garden ,local meats ( beef specialty ), fresh fish and homemade desserts variety . All accompanied by our exquisite organic cider.Visit to the winery and the apple trees: It consists of knowing the processes of creation of the cider. First you can see the apple trees and then we will see the winery where we do the production and we will explain how is all the process necessary to make cider and taste our ecological cider Valleoscuru. In October and November you can actively participate in the collection and subsequent production with us.

Стоимость От: 75.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках Spanish, English, French
Место Llanes (Asturias)
Продолжительность 2 дни
Дополнительные сведения о датах Excluded Holy Week and dates from 15th July to 30th August
Категория мероприятия Природа, Агротуризм, Экотуризм, Вино и гастрономия
Для кого? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Компания-организатор Hotel Rural Valleoscuru
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