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Kayak Tour Gudalquivir

To begin with and warm up, there will be a brief introduction to learn how to manage the river canoe on the water and start the tour.You will go along the way to the city centre, leaving behind the Expo 92 area, then reach the famous Triana Bridge, discovering here the best views of the city on the river.You will paddle seeing the Giralda, the neighborhood of Triana, the Maestranza or the Torre del Oro. You will continue to contemplate other buildings such as El Palacio de San Telmo and the place where the exhibition of 1929 took place. After this, you will retrace the journey back discovering a new perspective of the city.Please dress appropriately for the tour. An extra set of dry clothes and shoes is recommended, also a towel. There is a changing room available where you can also leave your belongings.

Price From: 29.0€ per person (taxes included)
Activities available in the following languages Spanish, English, French, Italian
Place Seville (Seville)
Duration  2 hours
Additional information about dates Mornings: 11 am everyday. Afternoons: 1 pm on Saturdays only. During the summer, it is recommended to bring sun protection. Minimum age is 8 years old. Children always accompanied by adults. Double kayaks: 1 adult + 1 child or 2 adults. Life Vests provided. Meeting point is Calle Betis 19, 41010 Seville.
Activity category Sport and adventure, Canoeing and kayaking
Who is it for? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organising company Naturanda Turismo Ambiental
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