Carnival in Xinzo de Limia

Carnival in Xinzo de Limia

Festivity of International Tourist Interest

Xinzo de Limia


The great procession is Martes de Carnaval (Carnival Tuesday)

This is the longest carnival cycle celebrated in Spain, as it comprises five Sundays in a row. Fareleiro, Oleiro, Corredoiro, Carnival Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Entierro de la Sardina (Burial of the Sardine) and Domingo de Piñata (Sunday Piñata)."Domingo Fareleiro" is a comic battle in which the whole town covers itself in flour. This is followed by“Domingo Oleiro”(Oleiro Sunday), a tradition that involves circles of people passing each other, throwing clay pots full of water into the air until someone drops them on the ground with the subsequent soaking, and"Domingo Corredoiro”(Corredoiro Sunday), a popular day for everyone where the groups take over the streets of the town, a true prelude to"O Entroido”itself.Although on "Domingo de Entroido” (Entroido Sunday) the town is buzzing with people from all over Galicia, the big day is “Martes de Carnaval” (Carnival Tuesday), when the parade of floats and troupes takes place led by a large group of "pantallas" (masked characters).The "pantallas" are the stars of this Carnival. They are characters who go around the town hitting two dry, inflated animal bladders and are dressed in fascinating masks.On “Domingo de Piñata” the pantallas return to the streets and there’s still time for orchestras, piñatas full of sweets and games for kids at the Plaza Mayor.These fiestas are a good time to try the traditional carnival desserts: pancakes, muffins or orejas (ears).

Carnival in Xinzo de Limia

Xinzo de Limia, Ourense  (Galicia)

* To be confirmed

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