Hiker in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park close to the Circ de Colomers lakes in Lleida, Catalonia

The most popular routes in Spain for travelling alone


The most popular routes in Spain for travelling alone

One of the best parts of travelling alone is the people you meet along the way, which is why we have compiled some of the busiest routes popular among travellers in Spain. These routes are ideal for expert and first-time hikers alike. Hopefully one of these routes will prompt you to take your own trip!

  • Senda del Oso Greenway (Asturias)

    The Senda del Oso was an old railway that has been paved over, but the stone tunnels through which the railway used to run are still preserved. This route runs through the towns of the Valles del Oso region, with different starting points and paths to choose from. One of the most frequented routes is the one that goes from the town of Entrago to Buyera (18 kilometres). While you're there, you can visit two female bears, Paca and Molina, kept in an open-air enclosure near Buyera! Still in the mood for some more activity? The route can be extended up to 58 kilometres, which is why it is common to find many cyclists along the way. On the Senda del Oso a forest path awaits walkers and cyclists with picnic areas, fountains and bridges that pass over several of the region's rivers and breathtaking gorges.

  • Los Pantaneros de Chulilla Route, Valencia

    This route starts and ends in Chulilla, a pretty white village in Valencia. A looped trail of around 10 kilometres will take you across the Turia River, with dramatic wooden suspension bridges that go through the canyon, between walls towering over 80 meters high. And that's without mentioning the natural area of Los Calderones and the Loriguilla reservoir dam. From there, you could start your return to Chulilla along the same path that the workers who built the reservoir used daily in the 1950s. 

  • View of the monastery of Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil in Ourense, Galicia

    The Monastery Route (Galicia)

    The Ribeira Sacra is home to several routes that are just calling for you to pack your backpack and breathe some fresh air. The Monastery Route is one of them. Art, history and nature take the stage along this trail of medieval monasteries that walkers can discover against a beautiful natural setting. Settings as fascinating as the dizzying views of the clifftops of the Sil river canyon.This route can reach up to 72 kilometres, so if you are not used to hiking over several days, you can opt to walk along just a few sections.

  • View of Lago Mayor lake and the Colomers shelter in Lleida (Catalonia)

    Route of the Circ de Colomers Lakes, Lleida

    Imagine taking a leisurely stroll through the Catalan Pyrenees and stumbling across one of its sprawling lakes, some of them like amazing water mirrors. Although it may be trickier than the previous ones, the route of the seven Circ de Colomers lakes is one of the most popular in the Aran Valley. You will be able to discover the Aiguamoix valley and the seven lakes on foot. A fun fact: the water comes from the glaciers of the Pyrenees!The route is 16 kilometres long and usually takes seven hours of walking on average. There is a shorter route though, if you follow the yellow signs, which takes half the time and leads you through four of the lakes.

  • Hikers walking along the Ruta del Cares in Poncebo (Asturias)

    Ruta del Cares (or “The Divine Gorge”), Picos de Europa

    The Ruta del Cares is one of the busiest in Spain, which is not surprising as it is part of the famous Picos de Europa National Park. This path runs for 24 kilometres (round trip) and joins the towns of Poncebo (Asturias) and Caín (León). The gorges of the Picos de Europa will take your breath away: if you look up you will be surrounded by the walls of its imposing peaks, and if you look down, you will see views of the Cares River that will accompany you right until the end. 

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